
Its strange to talk about getting back together when on a website dealing with divorce practicalities. Yet it is conceivable that though the process of mediation, many aspects covered, that a few parties begin to visualize a different life possibility emerging.

In the past year ive had three  sets of clients renew their marriage. The process of negotiation and unburdening, a realization of cosequences, a reappraisal of self and a renewed commitment, all contribute

I don’t advocate reconciliation but i do advocate the perils of an unnecessary divorce. So where i see hope and a desire in both parties,  i say so. However its not my job to be a marriage therapist. Once I’ve said my piece i’m done. Hopefully a good experienced professional has already been involved. So ultimately i do what I’m instructed to do by the parties.

Please don’t now embark on mediation as a means of getting back together (!) – it generally wont happen.  However understand that mediation unlike litigation is far less confrontational, far less hostility, less money and fewer bridges burned.