Could a court give more? A good question often asked.


Firstly, there is a perception  that litigation can destroy an opponent. Even if this is a worthwhile consideration, It wont overall – Court is never clear cut.

However,  on a specific point,  before a specific judge, on any given day,  then Court may look kindly upon you. Maybe. Or unkindly. Then there are a few hundred other points  where the Court may order less.  . Very tricky, quite haphazard, almost a gamble.

You can get an idea by asking what the range on a specific point might be  from an attorney mediator qualified to give legal advice. That gives a feel. Guess what? In court both sets of lawyers advise their clients at the opposite ends of the range! Yet there will be only one decision.

All this may be missing the point. The purpose of an agreement is for you to take control of your own destiny, Creating a tailored fit .maximizes the overall effect, achieving the best of the swings important to you & minimizing the roundabouts you care less about. That is a process the Court simply can’t begin to emulate.There are also many things a court cannot order which mediation can achieve

So, yes, the Court may (or may not) give you more on a point, but you’ll  still achieve less overall.